Friday, June 5, 2009

Totally Unreasonable

Sometimes I am so completely unreasonable I can't even believe it feels like watching yourself, like an out-of-body experience, saying 'no, NO, stop!' but you don't listen. Today I had a semi-breakdown getting a coffee - I spilled the drink twice, one time burning my hand and another time injuring my purse and sweater. This after having several morning sneezing fits and madly packing for a weekend trip to Montreal. Still though - the coffee spills did not warrant teary eyes and a pouty lip. Why can't I have more control? Yes, today is totally a day that I wish I could crawl back into bed. It's been a really rough week and I just feel like hiding from the world this morning...but obviously I'm not going to do that, so I have to buck up (that's a Grandma word eh?) and face things head on.
It's the overreacting, emotional stuff that I get so frustrated with. I guess once in a while it's allowed, and even expected, but 1-2 times a week, probably not so much. I often wonder how long a guy can put up with sporadic, completely unpredictable appearances of tears...guess we can consider that my new experiment of life.

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