Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Since When...

Since when is it OK for a girl to treat her BF like garbage? True, sometimes guys deserve cruel treatment, if they've been especially dirty dogs perhaps, but on a regular basis girls seem to totally act out of line. Think about a time you've got mad or upset with your BF - would you have treated a close girlfriend, or any acquaintance for that matter, the same way?? I'm not saying suppress your feelings, or don't be upset, but I am talking about totally rude, frustrated, borderline-abusive behaviour.
Last night, while waiting for my hero Gwen Stefani to come on stage at the No Doubt concert, I watched a young couple in front of me 'work through some issues'. The girl came back to her seat after a presumably teary bathroom break, stomping and pouting. When her and her BF had to move seats she tripped over a girl (the seats were tiiiight) and was so frustrated/upset I could see that she really wanted to smack her BF (and perhaps would have if they'd been alone). I have no idea what she was so upset about, but her BF took the abuse and by 'I'm Just a Girl' they were holding hands (I love that song BTW).
I like to think she caught him making out with someone while she was in line to get a Sprite, but in reality what probably happened was he put his foot in his mouth or didn't say EXACTLY what she wanted to hear. Next time a guy does that, try to cut him a bit of slack, or at least don't completely lose your cool. The frustration was so not attractive on her and she for sure ruined a really fun night. Plus, you cannot tell me that for at least a minute he didn't question why he was dating her.

1 comment:

  1. Haha...I watch this happen all the time and wonder how that girl has a boyfriend and i'm still single. But truth be told I definitely have been in that sitch and doing everything I can to sabotage a relationship. What's that line from that song don't know what you've got till it's gone?
