Thursday, June 25, 2009


Some couples fight more than others - we all have friends who seem to read each others' minds and have few, or basically no, conflicts. Then there are the friends who seem to disagree on everything - this can range from nagging, frustrated comments to full-fledged screaming arguments.
In some cases this may be because the people are from a way different up-bringing or background, and their belief systems are just to different. Or maybe one or both people are naturally more dramatic or passionate, building small issues into great ones.
Whichever the reason, there has to be a point where you ask yourself if all the fighting is worth it. If every second thing your BF says or does annoys or frustrates you, he may not be the right guy for you. A good test is to ask yourself if you'd be friends with him, if you weren't actually dating - most of us don't deal with friends who annoy us every few hours, but for some reason we don't just put up with it with boyfriends, we take every opportunity to point these things out, and fight about them! Passion in a relationship is good, but crying isn' have to draw the line somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. true...but as one who enjoys make up sex, gotta love the drama sometimes ;)
