Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Learning From My Mom

Since I've moved out of my parent's house, I've really come to appreciate the advice they have to offer. Yes, there are some things that they're super old-school or unreasonable about, but for the most part my parents have imparted some great wisdom on me. I find that now, when my mom visits, I actually seek out the advice (which is often actually criticism in disguise).

These are some of the highlights, feel free to take 'em or leave 'em.
- Enjoy your 20's. I'm always a bit offended when my mom tells me her 20's were the best time in her life (she had me at 31), but I can definitely understand her reasoning. At this age, most of us are working, so we have the money to travel, eat out, go for brunch, party it up, and buy the frivolous things that make us feel and look great.
- Enjoy having little to no responsibilities. Sometimes it seems like there are so many things weighing on my shoulders, but when you think of it in relation to what others are probably dealing with, it's nothing. So I'm broke one month. I stay home a few more nights per week, and I'm back on my feet in no time. There is no responsibility to a family (ignore this if you have kiddies already) or often, nothing more than rent and a few bills that HAVE to be paid. I'm not saying slack off and be irresponsible, I just appreciate the fact that we won't be this 'free' for much longer.
- Travel. I love travelling, and I know it's not for everyone. But if you do find yourself wishing you could visit Turkey or move to Paris, visit a friend in Thunder bay or take a vacation to Montreal, DO IT. Whatever you think is holding you back probably isn't actually that important, and if it is, it can often be replaced or substituted in the next city.
- Love and appreciate your family. Life just isn't as sweet without people to share the ups and downs with. Appreciate who you have in your life while you have them.
- Enjoy the "now". You never know what life will bring you in 5, 10, 25 years. Too often we spend our time thinking about how much better things will be at a later stage in life, without recognizing that we're experiencing some amazing things right now! Take time to breathe it all in.

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