Monday, April 6, 2009

The Times They Are a Changing...

I've reached the age where everyone I know is getting married. When you look on Facebook now, the status updates and wedding social invites far outnumber the drunken pictures, and the standard response to "what's new?" is "I'm engaged!!".
I like to think that I'm not bitter about being un-attached. I quite enjoy living on my own and doing whatever I want, when I want. But things change when your friends get married. When I go to visit a friend in a different city, it's not really a girls weekend anymore since she lives with her husband (or even long-term BF for that matter) and they will be incorporated into our plans. When I want to complain about the latest guy I'm dating, it's not as fun to hear about her perfect husband. I liked that game much better when we could swap sketchy stories.
I am very happy for my friends who have found true love. I am however, slightly sad to see our relationships change, as I know their next steps will be buying a house, moving out of downtown, having babies, and the like. Unless I start moving a little faster (a lot faster) we will never again be sharing the same stages, the same problems, until we're about 40.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry babe... I'm right there with you! No marriage or kids here for a longggg while. You can come have a girls weekend with me ANYTIME, or I'll come there (even better!!) hehe. Miss you!
