Monday, April 13, 2009

Alumni Event

I am going to an alumni event for my university on Friday, and to be totally cliche, I'm wondering what to wear, if I'll be good enough, successful enough, etc etc. The kicker is I met my ex 2.5 years ago at the same alumni event. I didn't know him when we were at the same university, but we met at the downtown Toronto hotel in 2006 and hit it off. Turns out we only dated for about 4 months, but when things ended I was left feeling sad and a bit stunned.
I'm assuming he'll be there on Friday. And I'm really hoping I can see him and look great. What to wear, what to say...the stress of it all. The good thing is I have absolutely no desire to ever in a million years date him again. I'm in a happy relationship with a much more understanding, fun, and exciting guy. Plus, this ex is a bit of an ass. Yet I still want him to regret saying goodbye to me.
So I've picked out my outfit and I'm hoping I'll finally be able to look good in front of him. Of the 3-4 times that I've run into him since breaking up, I've been totally caught off guard. One encounter was at a subway station, with me wearing a pom-pommed toque and bulky coat, and another was at my part-time job, where I was wearing a not-so-flattering uniform. Although somehow when I imagine our encounter, I am 6 inches taller, 10 pounds thinner and with longer, blonder hair...all of this by Friday.
I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to include one key point - my ex wore a really tacky green shirt when I met him at the last Alumni Event. So tacky that I referred to him as "Green Shirt" to my dad and my friends, for the duration of our relationship.
