Thursday, April 30, 2009


My boyfriend is a talented musician, and plays in a band here in Toronto. I used to tell people this with a bit of a sneer, doing my best imitation of a snobby Commerce grad. Now I'm really impressed and proud of him. He's a great musician and it's nice to know someone who's so passionate about what they do. So many people, like myself, have day jobs that we aren't interested in, often just to spend our free time doing things that aren't that much more exciting. Anyway, back to the awkwardness comes when he has shows. What do I wear, who will come with me, will I be cool enough, will there be groupies there?? So many questions, so many decisions! I've gotten to know a few of his friends, and the other GFs of the band, so it's really not bad. I am no competition for groupies though - they have made that perfectly clear. Luckily there are only a few Vanderpark groupies out there, and I know my guy is into me. It's still a bit demoralizing/frustrating/annoying when some ditzy girl feels the need to tell me how well she knows the band, who she has dated, or what she thinks of my BF's drumming every show.
Which is why I'm so so so appreciative of friends who come out to the shows with me. That said - Vanderpark this Saturday, May 2nd @ The Rivoli (Queen & Spadina). Come check it out!

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