Friday, April 3, 2009

Dealing with Disappointment

Sometimes we get sideswiped by unexpected bad news or events. Like being passed up for a promotion at work, being dumped when you thought the relationship was going well, or learning your best friend can't make it out for her planned visit.
There are a few ways to deal with times like this.
1) Mope: This is definitely the easier alternative. Slump your shoulders, stick out your pouty lip, and sulk. Let negative thoughts take over your head, and put yourself down, adding to the criticism you may have just received. The outcome - you'll feel worse about yourself, and be further behind in your goals than you were when you first got the bad news.
2) Positive thinking: Look at the disappointment as a minor setback and an opportunity to grow and learn from. This is definitely the tougher method - it's so much easier to pout (I'm a pouty lip expert). But if you can suck it up, plan your next steps, and move on, you'll be in a better position in no time.
Dealing with disappointment in a positive way helps you realize that what happened wasn't the end of the world. In fact, something else even better might come along. Maybe you'll apply for a new, higher paying job, or you'll meet a wonderful man, or you'll get a surprise visitor soon. I'm a firm believer that things really do happen for a reason, so keep your chin up, your lip in, and always look for the silver lining.

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