Thursday, May 14, 2009


Sometimes it's tempting to take a peek at a BF's private stash - his MSN conversations, emails, Facebook messages, journal. Maybe things have been rocky as of late, or it's early in the relationship, or you worry that there might be someone else. It seems so easy to just check the computer when he's in the shower, or flip through a notebook to check for incriminating deets. I hear stories like this from girls all the time, but really, no good can come from it. Not only are you blatantly taking advantage of your BF's trust, but suppose you do read something incriminating. What can you do about it? Granted, if it's something extreme (say an online conversation with Mindy setting up a late-night rendez-vous) at least you can exit the relationship without further injury. Otherwise, you're stuck between a rock and a hard place. If you mention something you read (say a flirty comment with a girl or mention of a cute co-worker) he will obviously be hurt and angry that you invaded his privacy. But when you keep it to yourself with no clarification, it will haunt you for weeks/months/all of time.
Avoid this dilemma, and carry a good book with you instead.


  1. This is so brutal to admit and that is why I am contemplating leaving this comment anonymously. I once was dating a guy and was obviously crazy, while he was in the shower I took a peek at his cell phone and saw a girl had been calling him. I was so emotionally crazy and was like WTF a female I don't know about. Granted we had only been dating for a few months but I obviously didn't trust him. No one has ever brought out the worst in me...I brought it out in myself. I pouted for awhile after and he kept asking me if everything was okay. We had a bad night because of my sucky mood. Later that night he told me about his good friend "mindy" that he had re-connected with from his high school days. Needless to say we are no longer dating. I CLEARLY had issues and no good came from it.

  2. A very close friend of mine knew her bf was going to propose soon... why? because he left his email open and she looked and saw emails about a ring. She was only making herself more crazy...

  3. i totally spy on his BlackBerry IMs with his friends... he has nothing to hide, right? and if i did find something that i wasn't supposed to, i would totally call him out on it. Because getting in trouble for spying isn't as bad as being in trouble for something you're not supposed to be doing. i'm not a nosy girlfriend, i'm a smart girl.
