Tuesday, May 5, 2009

That's My Thing

Sometimes we do stupid things. Things like getting drunk and losing it on friends, hooking up with sketchos, and dating guys who just don't treat us that great. Dumb decisions are made as part of normal life, and hopefully it doesn't become a common occurrence. But when your friends come to expect that you will go home with the first shadester who buys you a Tequila shot, or your new BF forgets your bday, just like the last three BFs, there may be a problem.
All too often, instead of facing the facts and considering why you might be putting yourself into these bad, often harmful, situation, girls write it off by saying 'that's my thing'. As if hooking up with strangers or having an eternally disappointing relationship are schticks to be proud of. Instead of letting things become a habit, make it a one-time mistake and leave it at that! I'm sure you can think of many things you'd rather be famous for!

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