Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I Miss My Mom

With Mother's Day coming up, ads are everywhere for things to do with or for your mom on her special day. Although my mom isn't much into spa treatments or shopping sprees, it makes me sad all the same that I will be apart from her this Sunday. The sappy commercials and print ads make me reminisce about fun times we've had, and how it seems a bit ridiculous to live apart from family when you miss them this much.
Anyway...I digress...If you will be seeing your mom on Sunday, be sure to give her a big hug and tell her how important she is. We don't often make a point of saying these things (or writing them in cards which is obviously a bit less awkward) and it really is so important.
If, like me, your mom is in another city, don't forget to phone her on Sunday morning, and a card or flowers is always a nice touch!

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