Monday, August 3, 2009

There Will Always Be Time

With past relationships I used to stress if we couldn't see each other one night, or didn't get a chance to go to an event or game THIS weekend. I always had a short-term relationship on my mind. I wanted to take advantage of the time we had together because I wasn't sure how long we'd be together. I had it in my mind that we'd only be together a month or two, and if we didn't go where I wanted/do what I wanted on that date, we may never be able to.
That's such a stressful way to operate though - if he cancelled one date I would wonder if I'd get to see him again. Or if he didn't want to stay over one Saturday I'd worry that we'd never get another sleepover. Now I'm OK if I can't see my BF all the time. I do spend a lot of time with him, but if we're both busy all week I know we'll have the weekend, or at least the next weekend, to hang out. If we miss this Jays series there will always be the next one. There is still excitement and desire to see each other, but a lot less stress when our schedules don't mesh well.

1 comment:

  1. I think this comes with time and your relationship growing to a point where you feel secure. In some instances I definitely feel that same stress - trying to make the most of the time we had together, but truth be told if he's the right guy you probably don't need to have that mentality because you'll have the rest of your lives together...oh so cliche.
