Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Secret to Happiness

I just finished a great new book, which was centred around discussions, and a friendly relationship between a middle-aged man and his elderly Rabbi. I know it sounds odd (if anyone has read Tuesdays With Morrie, similar idea by the same author), but it was very touching. The thing I remember most from the pages and pages of shared wisdom and advice was the Rabbi`s opinion on the secret to happiness: be satisfied and be grateful.
So simple, but that`s really true if you take a moment to think about it. Some people have everything in the world and still hate their lives and feel totally unhappy. Others have next to nothing but seem joyful with the lives they have. Take a moment each day to think about something you`re satisfied with and what you`re grateful for - it will make your life much happier too.

1 comment:

  1. So true Dani!!! Not only does it make your life happier, it makes others around you happy and then this happiness bounces back to you. It's really amazing how being positive can completely change your outlook on life.

    I wish more people knew this.

    Be satisfied. Be grateful. Love it.

    Keep up the great posts!
