Thursday, July 9, 2009

Logic vs. Love

We've all had that friend who tells us about a boyfriend who's a jerk sometimes (all the time) and we give her advice that she's too good for him and should get rid of him. We question why she's staying with him and why she cannot see that he's cheating on her. We realize that she'd be so much better off with someone else, or even alone. Yet, when the tables turn, do we follow our own advice? NO. When you're in a relationship it's funny (but not haha funny) how logic seems to disappear. I've even been in circumstances where I have known that I was being illogical in deciding to stay with someone. Yet admitting dumb behaviour doesn't mean I changed it.
This is something to keep in mind when giving advice to friends - we all know how much easier relationship advice is to dish out than it is to follow yourself. When it's you in the relationship - remember that passion is a good thing, but don't let it blind you so much that you become completely illogical.

1 comment:

  1. Tis' easy to preach what you don't practice. I often find myself giving out the advice I never seem to take myself. Sometimes even judging friends, and wondering how people can be so blind sighted. When this happens I quickly remind myself of how i've lost all control and perhaps part of (oh who am I kidding) my entire brain in some situations. I try and remember how much harder it really is to be the person in the situation. I always try and step out of whatever situation it may be and analyze as if I am the friend giving the advice. I've come to realize that for me to have no regrets, it is a lot easier to think with my heart then with my head...for the time being anyway. And so that's why i'm always asking my friends not to judge but just to be there to pick me up when I fall down.
