Monday, November 23, 2009

The Rule

The longer you wait to sleep with someone, the more sure you can be that he's into you. We all know this - I've read it in more books than I can count, heard the speech from more responsible friends, and observed the results of anxious behaviour in my less-responsible friends. As annoying and frustrating as this 'rule' can be, it's totally true. There are obviously the exceptions to the 'rule', but there are several situations, not to be discussed now, that I have witnessed that prove this point.
Girls really do tend to get attached after sex, and guys usually just get what they want. I think somewhere along the way, women's lib took a wrong turn, making girls think it is OK to 'use' guys for sex. I have witnessed very few times when this really works, even though girls have spent hours trying to convince me it is the case. Proof in point - if it did work, why are you spending two hours the next day telling me how happy you are that you're just sleeping together and not in a relationship? If you really were happy, you'd be skipping along, enjoying the memories of last night's activities while moving forward with your life.
Just remember when you start dating someone - waiting for 5 or 6 dates before sleeping together is not a big feat, it should be the norm. It seems that today, girls are proud, or feel almost prudish, when they wait a few weeks to hook up. It's crazy to think that we give this up soooo easily!


  1. I hate that you are right in 99% of cases. I want to be skipping.

  2. Totally agree with you on this one!! Works for sure, and makes us happier in the end too :D
