Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Comfort Zone

What happens when a guy invites you to do something out of your comfort zone early in your relationship? Maybe he invites you to go surfing on a second date (assuming you live in Cali) or rock climbing on a third date. It's one thing if you're an avid sportswoman, or you spend your weekends outdoors, but when you're a 'downtown, let's grab a coffee' kind of girl, this can throw you off your game. It's very tricky getting ready for a snowboarding day-trip when you're used to the regular dinner and a movie.
I think it's really nice when men have unique ideas for dates, and if he invites me along on a trip outside of the city (even if it's only a day trip) I take that as a good sign and assume that he enjoys spending time with me.
My upcoming snowboarding trip makes me wish I was super athletic, or at least a trendy snowboarder or a regular exerciser with cute clothes. I am totally confident meeting someone for a drink at a lounge, or attending a football game, but I don't actually participate in sports very often! This weekend I will somehow need to ensure I look good, dress appropriately, appear to be coordinated, and remain upbeat even when I fall on my butt every three turns. The way I see it, this will definitely be a fun day, but it could also be a good test: it's easy to enjoy yourself when you're doing one of your regular, comfortable activities. The people who make you laugh while you're uncomfortable - those are the people you want to surround yourself with.

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