Monday, December 20, 2010

Is This Your Stop?

Nearly every day this winter I've seen at least one attractive young guy while riding the subway in the morning. I have wanted to approach them - not always for me but maybe for one of my friends - but I'm not sure how. I've made eye contact over a few stops but let's be honest - someone has to be pretty brave to approach a stranger on a crowded subway. Not to mention that every stop brings the possibility that your crush is going to get off: it's not like we all wear signs announcing that we're exiting at St. Andrew's so they only have two stops left to make a move!
I've come up with a few possible ways to break the ice or initiate a conversation but I'm not sure I'll be trying any of them out soon.
  • Accidentally fall into them when there's an abrupt stop
  • Sit beside them and ask them to hold something for a moment as you kerfuffle with your giant purse
  • If you exit the train at the same time, strike up a conversation as you're exiting the station
  • Make fun of someone else on the train. I know that's not very friendly, but there are always an array of amusing people and rolling your eyes with someone can be a bonding experience!

My last resort is making up cards that say "you're hot, come to my mixer next month" so I better come up with some better conversation starters, stat!

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