Wednesday, March 18, 2009

St. Patty's Day Shenanigans

Yesterday was St. Patty's Day, and I, like most people, celebrated at a bar downtown. Everyone's drinking, people are having fun, dancing, mingling, spilling beer. Then I noticed something that needs addressing here...

At the side of the dance floor was a couple; semi-dancing but more so looking longingly into each other's eyes. Well, the woman was looking AT the guy, trying to get him to return her gaze. Now, I don't blame this woman, we've all done it. I think the main issue at play here was the fact that it was St. Patty's Day, notoriously one of the drunkest nights of the year. He didn't seem interested in anything BUT drinking and wearing silly green attire.

What killed me was when I saw her dancing "provocatively" in front of him, and he still wasn't paying attention. WHY do we do this to ourselves? He wasn't showing much interest, and was obviously distracted, so instead, she TRIES to look attractive by squirming around drunk, when she wasn't much of a dancer anyway. I think the woman should have stood tall, drank a beer, and joined in the fun. Plenty of other cute guys out there to dance with, or maybe try hanging with your guy, just having fun and stop fighting for attention. You can't always be front and centre...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. As a girl that loves to hit the dance floor, I'd love to say i've never done this before. But truth be told i'm sure I have. Embarassing but true. As i've gotten older (and hopefully wiser) i've realized that going out dancing should really be about having a good time and being in your own world. That being said I still love being the centre of attention...*(see Crystal dancing on stage or table when out and about)
