Monday, March 23, 2009

Feeling Blah...

Do you ever have those days or nights when you just feel BLAH? That's totally me today...and every few weeks I have one of those days. I've learned a few things that I hope will help you deal with the blahs:
- Spend some time alone - you're not going to be any fun to a friend and you know a guy is going to get on your nerves as soon as he walks in the door! Spending time alone lets you pig out (try Brie...yum), wear comfy clothes, and go to bed early!
- Work out or go for a walk - even though you might not feel like it, the endorphins and fresh air will work wonders.
- Read some chick-lit - it's an easy read, and reading about the capers of some other fabulous chica will make your situation seem so much better.
- Write in a journal - this is helpful all the time, but especially when you're feeling down. You can say things to your journal that you wouldn't dare tell even your closest friends, and sometimes it helps to look back at what you wrote at a happier time to cheer you up.
- Get some sleep - often you're just over-tired and run-down, so a good night's sleep can make a world of difference.
- When all else some junk food. Just try to limit how much you eat (ie. not the ENTIRE tub of ice cream) so you don't have major regrets the next day!!
Remember that we all have those days and nights, and as my mom would say "things always look better in the morning".

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