Monday, February 8, 2010

Not My Problem

An ex of mine taught me a great lesson - he taught me to utter the phrase "It's not my problem". As rude, inconsiderate and selfish it sounds, this is something every girl should learn to say. The less liberating part of the story is that he used the words on me, when I was having a meltdown late one night.
In typical early-20-something-year-old female fashion, I had a freak-out about his commitment (never outlined or discussed prior to then) to me. Needless to say it was probably not the right conversation to be the location we were 3am. When I explained that I was nervous and maybe (definitely) a bit (a lot) insecure due to my recent ex's infidelities, he replied with the wonderful three words you see here. Not My Problem.
While this surprised me at first, I realized he was so right. I mean, you don't want someone you're sharing your life with to have this response to all of life's challenges, but it IS the right response to an emotional young girl who drank more than 3 cocktails that evening.
It was not his problem that I was sadly insecure and didn't realize how cool I was. It was not his problem that I spent hours of each day wondering why someone like him would date me. It was definitely not his problem that I had dated a few classic slime balls before him.
As we get older and there is SO MUCH baggage to deal with, try using this phrase and I promise you'll feel a bit more liberated. You may want to mutter it to yourself to avoid appearing like a jerk, but in my case, I respect this guy that much more for being honest and teaching me a great lesson.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely a great lesson - I can think of a million situations where I should say NMP, but I think it takes some practice to alter one's mentality (and habit). You should write a book on this, Dani!
