Friday, September 11, 2009


Last week I overheard a girl on the streetcar (Bathurst streetcar, you meet all kinds...) complaining about the guy she's dating because he washed his hands a lot. The story goes that he even expects her to wash her hands when she gets to his place (I presume because TTC buses/streetcars/subs are the germ hot-beds). I had a difficult time controlling my eyebrows while eavesdropping for a few reasons: a) She should be happy that her BF washes regularly, as some of us cannot be so lucky and b) who cares? True that maybe I didn't catch the whole story and he is OCD and washes his hands raw and expects her to do the same - that is unreasonable. Otherwise it doesn't seem like such a bad habit to have.
What's worse is she followed up this story by commenting in a whiney voice "Do I really have to settle right now??". Sorry honey, that's not settling. Being with someone you're not attracted to is settling. Dating a rude DB guy is settling. Feeling pressure to get married so you pick the first available semi-sane man is settling. Reasonable expectations of cleanliness is at most a quirk, but definitely not settling.

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