Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Get Over It

There's a new girlie book on the market - it's called The Happy Baker and is a cross between chic-lit and cookbook. It looks pretty cool, is available at Indigo/Chapters, and the author has a great site! From what I gather, the author's main pretense is that she bakes to get over bad relationships, hard break-ups and just life in general.
That got me thinking about what I use to get over hard times - of course we need help not only recovering from break-ups or bad times with bad guys (that's just most of the time...), but also hard times with friends, family issues, and an increasingly stressful work life.
A personal favourite of mine is throwing on a comfy, over sized hoody, pulling up the hood, and cuddling up under a blanket. I'm not sure what it is about the hoody, but it's comforting. Some people exercise, some like to go partying (although not always advisable - I think most of us have had a post-breakup night out that ended in crying and drunk dialing). Whatever it is, having a ritual to help yourself overcome a tough time can be really helpful in speeding up the recovery process and easing your pain. I think eventually it becomes a Pavlov's dog-type response - I put the hoody on, and I'm immediately calmed.

1 comment:

  1. I made the "Forget-About-What's-his-name Oatmeal Cookies". They were fabulous and yes, made me feel great while baking and while eating them. And even better when my ex didn't get a special bag of goodies like I always gave him before, and he obviously wanted one. Too bad. Now he lost me AND my baking. :)
    (bitter? a little. i'm allowed to be!)
