Some people are dirty fighters, including myself in the past, and I believe that some people probably do come by it naturally. Maybe these people are evil (?!!), they're insecure or just quick-thinking while their opponents are stumbling over their tongues for a comeback. Whatever the reason, fighting dirty is never good, especially when it's with someone you love or care about.
I hear from girls all the time who tell me their BF is a dirty fighter, and I feel sad that they're going through a tough fight, but even more worried for the future of their relationship. I worry that these are the guys who will throw your insecurities right back at you in the heat of the moment. These might be the guys who drink too much and put an evil spin on the secrets you shared with them earlier that day. Perhaps you're a victim at a time when the kids are acting up, you're both stressed out, and the guy storms out of the house uttering rude comments. Regardless of the method used to dish it out, these fights are bad news and the comments are poisonous.
I know I've been guilty in the past, but as I've matured and grown to really love the people close to me, the thought of hurting them in any way, let alone such a cruel way, hurts my own heart. I'm amazed and saddened that people would inflict this pain on those closest to them.
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